Go! Toilet Racing Toilet Shooting Star” Switch version released today!

Da-soft’s Nintendo Switch version of Toilet Shooting Star! Toilet Shooting Star- for Nintendo Switch! Toilet Shooting Star-) for Nintendo Switch is available today, March 16.ralph lauren outlet Toilet Shooting Star-” game description Toilet Shooting Star Toilet Shooting Star-” is a toilet racing game recognized by the “Japan Toilet Racing Association”, originally released in 2019 on Steam, this time includes various updates to the Steam version of the content and additional New elements are available for the Switch, with two-player support.
Players will be able to control unique toilet racers as they take on toilet racing and missions of varying difficulty on a variety of courses. The game also offers a rich storyline and stories of the racers, allowing you to fully experience the esoteric world of toilet racing.
The more you accumulate, the faster you go!
The more “poop power” you accumulate, the stronger your acceleration and the longer it takes to release. However, if you hold back too long, you may accidentally leak and cause irreversible damage, so be careful when using it. You can spend a rice ball to use the “Burst” technique during liberation.
Use the toilet move to burst down the track!
Players can use a variety of toilet manoeuvres such as toilet paper throws that hinder your opponents, use props, jump, dash down from the air at high speed and Poop Burst to help get a better ranking and experience what it’s like to actually be a toilet racer.
Learn the basics of toilet racing at the driver training course.
“Don’t worry if you’ve never run in a toilet before, don’t know the rules of toilet racing or have any other questions! You can learn the basics of toilet racing from the home screen of the game at the “Potty Training Center”, where an instructor will teach you the basics of toilet racing.
Temporary toilets and famous Japanese toilets are available for racers to compete in!
There are initially five toilet racers to choose from in Battle Mode, and the newest toilet racers, such as the Temporary Toilet and the Famous Japanese Toilet, can be unlocked by meeting all the conditions. Each player has a unique personality and must be chosen to match the characteristics of the track and opponent. It’s also a bit of a psychological battle as you don’t know which racer your opponent will choose until you start the race.